WhyFi. is the sonic moniker of Larsen Winiata Tito-Taylor (of Ngā Puhi/Ngāti Whātua/Tainui descent) – a multi-disciplinary artist, and initial channeller of Noa Records, from Tangiteroria.
Over the course of ten days during a national lockdown in Aotearoa, Larsen co-ordinated, produced, mixed and mastered the album Keep your Distance by Virtual Shadow Ensemble – bringing together a who’s who of young New Zealand jazz, spoken word and electronic music artists, championing connection in a time of great upheaval for creative communities. In his music, Larsen often creates with a ‘stream of consciousness’ approach, recording songs in the first take and resisting definition and boundaries. In 2018, following on from formative experiences through The Grow Room (an influential creative collective and space formerly based on K Road, Tāmaki Makaurau) as a record label operator, performing musician/producer and events manager, Larsen went on to explore concepts, ancestral philosophies and sonic approaches that would inform the inception of Noa Records - a collective record label venture primarily focussed on providing an alternative platform for Māori/Pasifika/indigenous artists to express through and from. Today, he cites his primary influences as his friends – a circle of creators that inform and shape each other’s work - and ancestors of blood and spirit – whether through whānau and chiefs, or sonic ancestors inspiring soul expression such as Sun Ra.
In 2021 Larsen received an Arts Foundation Springboard Award for outstanding potential in the arts and received artist mentorship by Riki Gooch.
Instagram: @whyfisucks
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WhyFiAKL
Album: https://noarecords.bandcamp.com/album/trash-2-the-official-movie-soundtrack
Contact: whyfisucks@gmail.com